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Halloween is tomorrow! Can you believe it? If you’re still grasping at straws trying to figure out just what in the world you’re going to be, then you’re in luck!  I’ve put together a handful of costumes with items you’ve probably already got in your closet.  No scouring the almost empty Halloween aisles at Target or standing in line at the party store to pay an arm and a leg for a frighteningly unoriginal – and, almost guaranteed, skimpy – ensamble.  Chances are at least one of these will work for you, whatever your fright night plans may be!

1.  Waldo or French GirlHalloween 1

If you’re into fashion at all you’ve probably got at least one striped shirt in your wardrobe.

Option 1. Pair it with jeans, a red beanie, and glasses (faux or real) and you’re an instant pop culture icon.  Bonus points if you go around photobombing all night!

Option 2.  Add black skinnies, a beret, and a silk scarf for an ultra chic and Bardot inspired getup.

2. Lumberjack or Hipster

Halloween 2

The base of this pair is a flanel shirt and jeans – perfect if you’re in a chillier climate  . . . and hanging out with friends who’ll appreciate the humor of your creative attire.

Option 1. To be a cute (and comfy!) lumberjack just add a fun ski hat and boots.

Option 2. Throw on a slouchy hat and some brogues for an ironic, hipster-esque guise – just remember, don’t try too hard.

Bonus points if you wear some slouchy boots instead and are constantly switching hats . . . lumberjack . . . wait, hipster . . . no, lumberjack . . .

3. Regina or Joan

Halloween 3

Once Upon A Time or Mad Men inspired style for Halloween is probably the simplest of all.  You just need a great pencil dress for a recognizable – not to mention super flattering – character guise.

Option 1. While she look fabulous as the evil queen that would take way too much effort, but her Storybrook style is a snap.  Just coif your hair like a good mayor would and grab an apple on the way out the door!

Option 2.  For the sexy secretary look just toss your locks into an elegant french twist and add a little eyeliner if you can spare a second on your way to making men melt.

Keep in mind attitude is the key to pulling of the look for either of these leading ladies!

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Now, If you’re just too pressed for time I’ve got one last idea for you.  Stay home, watch a movie, and pig out on the candy you meant to pass out to trick-or-treaters; After all, isn’t that what this holiday is all about? Sugar.

Happy Haunting!